On November 18 “Energy Saving Foundation” (ESF) experts visited the construction site in Artik where 600 kWp solar PV plant is constructed within “EU for Armenia’s Sustainable Energy Project” (EU4ASEP).

Almost 90% of the bifacial solar PV modules are already installed, inverters in place and construction of the transformer house is on-going.

EU4ASEP promotes renewable energy investments in Aparan and Artik towns in Armenia. The project is implemented by “Energy Saving Foundation” (ESF) and the “Union of Communities of Armenia” (UCA), as well as the partner municipalities. Aparan and Artik communities are the Signatories of the “Covenant of Mayors” of the European Union.

During 2019-2020 22 kWp and 11 kWp solar PV plants were built and put into operation in Aparan. In Artik the program is still in progress. By the decision of the Public Services Regulatory Commission of Armenia, Artik community was recently granted a license for electricity generation for the 600 kWp solar power plant.

Let’s note that Artik is the first community in Armenia to receive the opportunity to use clean, green and free solar energy to its advantage, thus providing additional income to the community budget. By the way, due to the reforms made by the the Government of Armenia and by the Public Services Regulatory Commission, from now on there will be a separate procedure for licensing solar power generation for communities.

Within the framework of the EU4ASEP Program under implementation by the ESF and UCA, a 600 kW solar photovoltaic power plant is being built in Artik community of the Shirak region. The power generated at the plant will be sold to the electric grid of Armenia. The tender for the construction of the plant was favored to “EcoVille Solar Technologies” company. The works contract has already been signed, and the construction of the plant is underway.

It is estimated that the 600 kWp solar PV plant will have an annual energy yield of around 1340 MWh which will ensure over 30 mln. AMD additional revenue streams to the community budget, which will be directed into the newly created “COMO fund” capitalized for further investments in sustainable energy development.


ESF Armenia: http://esfarmenia.org/

CoM-DeP official website: https://com-dep.eu/projects/solar-energy-in-artik-and-aparan/ 

Armenia’s 1st community-owned Artik 600kW solar PV plant is on-grid

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